Vintage bottles

Ahojte, tak som tu s novým príspevkom. Ako som vám sľúbila bude o vintage fľškách z Írskeho blšáku.

Hi, so I`m back with a new post. As I promised it will be about vintage bottles from Irish flea markets.

Všetky tieto vintage fľaše mi minulý mesiac poslal z Írska otec. Sú naozaj krásne. Bola medzi nimi dokonca aj jedna modrá. Najviac sa mi na nich páčia nápisy - Glasgow, Athlone,... A najradšej ich používam v kombinácii s mojimi záhradnými kvetmi.

All of these vintage bottles send me my dad from Ireland last month. They are really beautiful. There was even a blue one. I like the inscriptions like Glasgow and Athlone the most. And most I like to use them in combination with my garden flowers.

Mám pre vás už pripravené fotky k ďalšiemu príspevku, takže nebudete musieť čakať dlho. Táto posledná fotka je malá ochutnávka toho, čo vás čaka. Prajem vám úspešný týžden.


I already prepared photos for my next post so you won`t have to wait long. This last photo is a preview of what you can expect. Have a lovely week.


July treasures...

Today, I just want to share some treasures I found during July. The first was this beautiful hydrangea in my garden... It was a big surprise when we came back from our vacation this year...

I also found this nice white ironstone jar at the last flea market... 

During July I also visited two lofts with some hidden treasures. I was able to find a zinc bathtub which I used as a pot for my herbs. Second, I found an old bicycle. It`s really nice... And the loveliest treasure is this vintage alarm clock. You won`t believe me but it still works :-)

And the best at the end... My dad send me five beautiful vintage bottles from Ireland! He bought them some months ago at a local flea market. I was so exited and could`t wait to see them home... Finally they arrived during July. Thank you so much dad!!! (I know you will read this ;-) )

I would like to bring you more photos but I have so little time to photograph. And second we have such a cloudy and rainy weather here... I have to use the sunny ones and enjoy for example my white butterfly bush :-)

Enjoy them too, Alexandra

PS: next I will bring you more of my treasures - new antique monogram linens, more vintage bottles and maybe a bike :-)

PS1: dúfam, že vám nevadí, že som dnes písala iba v angličtine...

Hello August and the giveaway winners

Naozaj je už august? Leto beží veľmi rýchlo... Zrejme ale nie som sama, ktorá nestíha všetko, čo si naplánovala. Alebo? Najviac ma mrzí, že nestíham sledovať vaše blogy... Verím, že to tento víkend napravím, veľmi sa na ne teším. Týmto by som vám rada pripomenula, že ma nájdete aj na Instagrame. Tam totiž chodím denne.

A teraz veľké vyhlásenie víťazov letnej giveaway:

Balík číslo 1 - Aďa z MORE...

Balík číslo 2 - Mimi Shingleton

Balík číslo 3 - Kolka

Gratulujem!!! Najradšej by som každej z vás poslala darček ako poďakovanie, že ste sa zapojili do GA a zdielali... Týmto sa vám chcem poďakovať, veľmi si to vážim.

Prajem vám krásny víkend!


It is really already August? Summer runs very fast ... but obviously I am not alone, that does not manage everything planned. Or? I am so sorry for missing your blog posts ... I believe that I will change it this weekend, I am looking forward to see and read them. I would like to remind you that you can also find me on Instagram. Because I go there every day. 

And now the great summer giveaway announcement: 

Package No. 1 - Aďa from MORE... 

Package No. 2 - Mimi Shingleton (please contact me, I don`t have your e-mail address)

Package No. 3 - Kolka 

Congratulations!!! I'd love to sent a gift to each of you, as a thank you engage in GA and for sharing it... I want to thank, I really appreciate it.

Have a lovely weekend!


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