Ahojte, voľný pondelok bol jednoducho úžasný! Celá rodina sme ho strávili v neďalekej Banskej Štiavnici. Veľmi sme si ju obľúbili a preto sa tam radi vraciame. Jedným z dôvodov prečo sme sa tam vybrali tento pondelok bola návšteva obchodíku DOM a DVOR. Opäť bolo úžasne, dali sme si čajík, keksíky a nakúpili niečo pekné...
Hello everyone, our free Monday was so amazing! We spend it in the beautiful nerby Slovak town Banska Šťiavnica. We all are so much in love with it and we often visit it. One of the reasons why we chose this Monday to go there was a visit to the shops DOM a DVOR (HOUSE and COURT). It was amazing again, we had tee, biscuits and bought something nice and special...
Hello everyone, our free Monday was so amazing! We spend it in the beautiful nerby Slovak town Banska Šťiavnica. We all are so much in love with it and we often visit it. One of the reasons why we chose this Monday to go there was a visit to the shops DOM a DVOR (HOUSE and COURT). It was amazing again, we had tee, biscuits and bought something nice and special...

Veľmi túžim po tomto záhradnom bistro nábytku a podobnom záhradnom stole, kde by som mohla presádzať svoje kvety...
I long for this garden bistro furniture and the potting bench...
Ich záhradné dekorácie sú skvostné...
Their garden decorations are fabulous...

Kúpila som si tieto dve záhradné náradia. Lopatka je špeciálne určená na sadenie cibuľovým. Hneď som ju aj využila :-)
I bought these two garden tools. The scoop is specially designed for planting bulbous plants. I had to use it immediately :-)


V záhrade mi ešte stále kvitne niekoľko rastliniek. A to aj napriek daždivému počasiu... Tento týždeň budem presádzať takéto hortenzie.
In my garden there are still blooming several flowers. Despite the rainy weather... I am going to replant this hydrangeas this week.
Neskoré leto praje mojim ružiam. Toto je ruža na pníčku. Sadila som ju iba túto jar a pozrite ako kvitne. Toto všetko je na jednom konári.
My roses are beautiful this late Summer. This is a tree rose. I planted it only this spring and look like it blooms. This is all on one twig.
Na záver dnešného príspevku vám chcem predstaviť dve mačičky, ktoré niekto nechal na lúke pri našom dome. Majú iba 6 týždňov a preto sa o nich zatiaľ starám ja. Jedno si určite chceme nechať a možno aj dve. Zatiaľ som pre ne nehľadala nový domov, lebo su malé... Budem vás informovať ;-)
Today I want to introduce two kittens that someone left on the meadow near our house. Have only six weeks and therefore I care about them yet myself. We will keep one for sure and maybe even two. Meantime I was not looking for their new home, they are too small ... I will definitely inform you ;)
xoxo, Alexandra