Kitchen BEFORE and AFTER

Príspevok o našej kuchyni som plánovala už dlhší čas, no vždy mi do toho niečo prišlo. Nuž, už sa nie je na čo vyhovárať, tak nech sa páči...

Hi, everyone!
I had planned the post about our kitchen for a longer time but I always had something more important to do. Well, there are no excuses now... so here we go...

Náš dom sme začali prerábať ešte v lete 2006. Nasťahovať sa nám podarilo na Vianoce 2007. Pomaly sme si naše bývanie zútulňovali a posledné zmeny sme na kuchyni urobili pred štyrmi rokmi. Je to už nejaká doba a práve teraz uvažujeme o nejakom tom "vylepšení" :-) 

We started with the reconstruction of our house in summer 2006. We were able to move in for Christmas 2007. Slowly we made our home cozy and we did the last changes to the kitchen four years ago. It's been a while now so we are considering that some improvements are "needed" :-)

Na fotkách hore môžete vidieť prechod medzi obývačkou a kuchyňou. Pôvodne ich delilo veľké okno (môžete vidieť na fotkách dole). Bolo to z jedného prostého dôvodu - kuchyňa bola pristavená k domu neskôr. Keďže sme robili rozsiahlejšiu rekonštrukciu, okno sme vybrali a zväčšili otvor. A ako vidíte, využili sme to na raňajkové sedenie.

In the photos above you can see the passage between the living room and kitchen. Originally they were separated by a large window (you can see it in the photos below). It had one simple reason - the kitchen was built to the house later. Since we did a large renovation, we took out the window and enlarged the hole. And as you can see, we used it for a breakfast area.

Kuchynská linka je z Decodomu a má vanilkový odtieň. Spotrebiče sú skôr moderné. Dnes nejako neviem pochopiť výber obkladu :-) Takže toto bude najbližšia zmena na kuchyni... zvažujeme drevený obklad.

The kitchen is from a local producer and it is in vanilla shade. Appliances are more modern. Today, somehow I don`t understand the choice of the kitchen tile :-) So this will be the next change in the kitchen... we`re considering wood paneling.

Na fotkách hore môžete vidiť spomínané okno a jeho odstránenie.

In the pictures above you can see the mentioned window and its removal.

Toto je protiľahlá strana, ktorú už poznáte... Tu sa nachádzal pôvodny vchod do kuchyne, ktorý sme zrušili a presvetlili. Na stenách máme odtieň svetlo šedej, skvele kontrastuje s vanilkovou a tiež bielou.
Ďakujem, že ste sa dnes u mňa zastavili a nezabudnite, že ma môžete sledovať aj cez Instagram, kde sa snažím prispievať každý deň.

xoxo, Alexandra

This is the opposite side, you already know... Here was the original entrance to the kitchen situated, which we abolished and lightened. The walls are in light gray shade which contrast very well with vanilla and also white.
Thanks for stopping by to visit my blog today! Remember, you can follow me on Instagram for daily updates.

xoxo, Alexandra

Participating in:


  Savvy Southern Style

25 komentárov

  1. It turned out amazing! I love the pop of red. Thank you fro sharing at THT!

    1. Thank you for a great party too! Enjoy your Sunday ♥ Alexandra

  2. Saska, krasa.....mate to velmi utulne a ma to svoje caro, to prerabanie, potesila si ma, ze si nieco pridala, na ten Instagram sa neviem nejako prihlasit.....a tie tvoje zabery, fotografovanie, skratka si velka sikulka :) Jana

    1. Dakujem Janka, tiez som dlho nebola kamaratka s IG. Ale je to mobilova aplikacia, tak si ju skus stiahnut do mobilu a pojde to same... A.

  3. Lovely kitchen, I especially like the red and white backsplash Lisa @ Sweet Tea N' Salty Air

  4. Alexandra, to je krása. Pekne ste to vymysleli a zrekonštruovali. Andrea

    1. Dakujem Andrejka, si velmi laskava... dnes by sme uz viac veci robili inac, ale aspon mame priestor na zlepsenia :-) A.

  5. krásne ste to urobili...a ten obklad? aspoň máš priestor na vylepšovanie

    1. Dakujem Janka :-) A co by si povedala na ten dreveny obklad (palubky, tatr. profil)? A.

  6. Just beautiful, red is always a great choice for any room as far as I'm concerned, I love how you've used it here.

  7. Wow, what an amazing transformation. Love the light and airy look and the color of your walls. Thanks for linking up your kitchen with Vintage Inspiration Party.

  8. This is gorgeous! Great transformation, your kitchen turned out a dream kitchen...

  9. What a beautiful outcome in your kitchen Alexandra. It is such a lovely space and I'm sure is the heart of your home. Your blog is wonderful!

  10. Alexandra, I love before and after transformations and this is adorable.
    We are delighted to be featuring your kitchen on Shabbilicious Friday tomorrow.
    Hugs ~ Kerryanne

  11. Beautiful! I will feature tomorrow at Home Sweet Home! Thank you for joining Home Sweet Home!

  12. Your kitchen is darling! I love that red and white checked black splash. Thanks for sharing this at What We Accomplished Wednesdays! Have a super week!
    Blessings, Deborah

  13. Love how it looks after the remodeling! It's very beautiful!

    Spring cleaners Wimbledon

  14. Oh so beautiful, what a lovely kitchen...I get so much inspiration of your pictures!
    Have a happy week!

  15. Saši, krása !!!! Miluju fotky PŘED a PO !!!!! Úžasná proměna ..... Marki

  16. Ja som bola prekvapená ,že práve u teba nachádzam túto kombináciu ,červenú s bielou /maslovou/ ale som hrozne rada, lebo ja mám kuchyňu veľmi podobnú jednduchée línie dvierok maslovej farby ale obklaad som zvolila na piko červený ateda nikomu sa to velmi nezdalo no myslím že to funguje ...a ked to t eraz vidím v tvojom prevedení tak som ešte spokojnejšia :DDD veľmi veľmi sa mi to u teba v kuchyni páči čau e.


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