How I take photos / Ako fotím ja

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The answer is very simple - complicated. The reason is our little Daniel. He runs through our house all the time so I have to too. When he finally falls asleep it is in our bedroom :-) That means I had to take pictures from the bedroom with him...

Let`s take a look what`s new ♥
Odpoveď je jednoduchá - komplikovane. A to z jediného dôvodu... je to náš malý Danielko. Neustále lieta po dome a ja s ním. A keď konečne spí, tak je to v našej spálni :-) Čiže odfotiť spálňu som musela aj s ním...

Poďte pozrieť, čo je v nej nové ♥

I made a new macrame wall hanging for the bedroom and brought fresh flowers...
Vyrobila som nové macramé do spálne a tiež priniesla čerstvé kvety...

For our wall I used botanical art and old frames painted with Miss Mustard Seed`s Milk Paint. Unfortunately I had to put one small picture away. Why? Daniel liked to play with it :-) I used a eucalyptus wreath instead.
Na stene môžete vidieť staré rámy, ktoré som natrela farbou Miss Mustard Seed`s Milk Paint a vyplnila obrázkami z herbára. Nanešťastie som musela jeden skvačiť. Prečo? Daniel sa s ním rád hral :-) Namiesto neho som použila malý eukalyptový veniec.

Macramé - Prairie Charm
Lamp and basket - Ikea
Frames and night stand - Miss Mustard Seed`s Milk Paint
Bed skirt - HM Home

At this point I want to answer to those ones who expected a guide to a photoshoot... In early spring I switched from APS-C camera to mirrorless Olympus PEN E-PL8. It`s an easy way to take photos as you can see above but I know I want to buy Olympus PEN-F early :-)

We have a long weekend here so let`s enjoy it ♥



Na záver možno ešte ďalšia odpoveď pre tých, ktorí čakali návod na fotenie... Na jar som vymenila APS-C zrkadlovku za mirrorless Olympus PEN E-PL8. Už teraz viem, že chcem Olympus PEN-F a preto vám dávam do pozornosti inzerát, kde predávam foťák, ktorým som fotila aj tento príspevok a je mimochodom super :-)

V prípade záujmu ma neváhajte kontaktovať, alebo môžete využiť kontaktný formulár pri inzeráte. Na cene je možné sa dohodnúť. Platí pre Slovensko a Česko.

Majte krásny predĺžený víkend ♥

Easy ways to clean your vintage furniture

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Owners of vintage furniture are usually aware that it is fragile and demands special maintenance. That doesn't necessarily involve any expensive cleaning products or special cleaning approach. In fact, cleaning your antique chair can be a great fun, especially when you see the magnificent result in the end. Whether you have just purchased one or it was left in the barn for years, the following steps will help you restore its original brilliance.

 1. Removal of the fittings and overall hoovering

Put the piece of furniture in a convenient for cleaning place and bring on the vacuum cleaner. Make sure to clean it properly, do also the back and underneath, where cobwebs can usually be found. If there are any drawers, take them out and clean inside, under and behind them. Removal of dust is the first step of the cleaning process. Be careful with the vacuum machine, you don't want to cause any scratches to your valuable furniture. Once you are ready, remove the fittings. It is important to do that as smoothly as possible. Otherwise, you may break something

2. Pre-cleaning inspection

Now is the time to check if any furniture repairs need to be done. In case there is any loosen veneer, stick it carefully with an animal glue or a wood glue. Do not use any other types of glue because you may damage the veneer. Check the feet and moulding as well and if necessary tighten them up. Inspect the furniture for deep scratches and if there are any fill them with a wax stick. Repairing any damages before cleaning is a good way to maintain vintage furniture in excellent condition.

3. Preparation of the cleaning arsenal

You will probably want to keep the vintage furniture gleaming as long as possible, so it is not a good idea to use any harmful chemicals. A wood soap mixed with warm water would be a safe choice. Prepare also a linen cloth, a cotton cloth and a toothbrush for difficult to reach places. While you are cleaning the furniture, don’t rub hard and don’t use a lot of water. This may damage the veneer.

4. Starting with the cleaning

Great environment friendly way to clean the furniture is to mix a small amount of the wooden soap in warm water. Soak the linen cloth in it and start rubbing the furniture gently. Use the toothbrush to clean any hidden places. When you clean all areas, leave for several minutes and then wipe off the soap using a wet clean cloth. If there are stubborn dirty areas, rub them with a little bit of vinegar or turpentine. Once you have cleaned the whole item, wipe it with a dry cotton towel.

5. Polishing the vintage furniture

When the furniture is dry, it is time to restore its glamour. Depending on its type, there are several ways to do that. In case the item was oiled, you only need to buff it with a clean clothing for several minutes until it starts shining. If you discover that it was waxed, put a small amount of wax on the clothing and polish it. When it comes to antique furniture, regular and silicone-based polishers should be avoided.

Now that you have restored the beauty of the vintage furniture, don’t forget to dust it regularly but only with a wet rug. This will prevent the build-up of grime. Keeping this type of furniture out of sunlight is another useful tip. Ultraviolet light has a very bad effect on it. Take a good care of your cosy vintage couch and you will be able to enjoy it for a very long time.

This has been a quest post by Demi Giles. 

Demi Giles knows a lot about cleaning and keeping care of vintage furniture. One of her many hobbies is to share her experience related to cleaning, organizing and DIY. She`s also a manager of her own cleaning agency.

Photo credit: Prairie Charm
Text credit: Demi Giles

Morning coffee in the garden / Ranná káva na záhrade

There are less and less sunny mornings here and more filled with morning mist. Late summer is really here... so when we have a sunny one I drink my coffee in our garden. The morning makes the day, doesn`t it?

Have a great week!

Pomaly sa končia krásne slnečné rána a častejšie vídame rannú hmlu. Neskoré leto je už skutočne tu a keď je príležitosť, tak si ešte rada vychutnám rannú kávu na záhrade. Veď ráno robí deň!

Majte krásny týždeň!


Coffee maker - Chemex
Wooden bowl - 50Arches
Coffee cup - IbLaursen
Kávovar - Chemex
Drevená miska - 50Arches
Šálka na kávu - IbLaursen



Daniel 1 year

One year he has been here with us. Daniel.
365 days.
But it feels like forever. Like it was always supposed to be this way...



Jeden rok je tu s nami. Danielko.
365 dní.
Mne to však príde, že je tu s nami večnosť. Že to vždy takto malo byť...






Hope you have a nice Friday! I`m still planning a family meeting for Daniel`s 1st birthday. Today only we four had been celebrating (although some of our fury friends joined our company)...


Dúfam, že máte krásny piatok! Mne ešte zostáva naplánovať rodinnú oslavu pre Danielka. Dnes sme oslavovali len vo štvorici (hoci sa pridalo aj niekoľko našich zvieracích kamarátov)...

Are you ready to dry your hydrangeas? / Ste pripravení usušiť si hortenzie?

Annabelle - the most common hydrangea in people`s gardens. Easy to grow, blooms through the summer and when dried it lasts for several years.

Now is that time of the year when you can pick and prepare the hydrangea for drying. I dried mine few weeks ago and I`m drying more of them at the moment too.

Here are my 3 easy steps I follow for many years:

1. Let the hydrangea a bit dry on the bush
2. Never pick white flowers - the right color is light green
3. Let the flowers dry in a jar/vase with water - only few days are needed

HERE and HERE you will see how they looked in my home...

What about you? Are you drying your hydrangeas right now or do you plan to?

Hugs, Alexandra


Annabelle - je odroda hortenzie azda najviac vyskytujúca sa na záhradách. Maximálne nenáročná, kvitnúca počas celého leta s možnosťou si ju usušiť a uchovať na niekoľko rokov.

Práve teraz je obdobie, kedy si ju môžeme nazbierať a pripraviť na usušenie. Ja som si prvú várku nasušila niekoľko týždňov dozadu a práve sa mi suší ďalšia.

Tu sú moje rokmi overené 3 jednoduché tipy:

1. Nechajte hortenziu mierne usušiť na kríku
2. Nikdy nezbierajte ešte biele kvety - správna farba je jemne zelená
3. Kvety nechajte dosušiť v nádobe s vodou - stačí na to iba niekoľko dní

TU a TU si môžete pozrieť ako vyzerali u nás doma...

Tak ako? Sušíte si túto krásku práve aj vy, alebo sa na to iba chystáte?

Majte sa krásne, Alexandra

The door in our living room is painted with Miss Mustard Seed`s Milk Paint in color MORA.
Dvere v našej obývačke sú natreté farbou Miss Mustard Seed`s Milk Paint odtieň MORA.

What`s blooming / Čo práve kvitne

We are in the second half of August. This time when roses bloom again. Many perennials are in their final bloom and are preparing for late summer and fall (don`t wanna even think about it)...

I set up (with my husband`s help of course) a small space where I placed my vintage bottle collection for the summer. I like to display them during this season - they look very fresh and summery.

I pick a few flowers that a currently blooming every week so I can enjoy them inside too.
Every time I come across (and it is toooo many times during the day because little Daniel is crawling and runnig right now and nothing in the world is more interesting) it cheers and inspires me ♥ At the moment there are roses, especially David Austin - Auscot, Sweet Pea and sage.

And what inspires you?

Hugs, Alexandra


Sme v druhej polovici Augusta. Čase, kedy ruže opäť kvitnú. Dokvitá mnoho trvaliek a záhrada sa pripravuje na neskoré leto a jeseň (na to slovo nechcem ani pomyslieť)... 

Doma som si pripravila (pomohol mi samozrejme manžel) malý kútik, kde som si na leto umiestnila zbierku vintage fľašiek. V lete ich rada vystavujem, sú svieže, letné.

Každý týždeň si nazbieram niekoľko kvetín, ktoré práve kvitnú a takýmto spôsobom si ich vychutnávam aj doma. Stále keď idem okolo (čo je momentálne veeeeeľmi často, keďže malý Daniel lozí, behá a nič na svete pre neho nie je zaujímavejšie) ma moja malá výstavka okúzli a inšpiruje ♥ Práve teraz sú to ruže, hlavne David Austin - Auscot, hrachor voňavý a šalvia.

A čo inšpiruje vás v tomto období?

Majte sa krásne, Alexandra

The season of plums / Sezóna sliviek

Hello lovelies!

This summer I try my best to enjoy it to the fullest. We spend a lot of time in the nature, trips, garden. We pick mushrooms, herbs, seasonal fruits and vegetables. A while ago I preserved plums - beautiful, healthy and especially bio! Little Daniel was such a gold that he slept for 3 hours so I was able to do it all at once :-)



Toto leto sa snažím vychutnávať na maximum. Veľa času trávime v prírode, na výletoch, záhrade. Zbierame huby, bylinky, sezónne ovocie a zeleninu. Pred časom som spracovala slivky. Krásne, zdravé a hlavne bio! Malý Daniel bol taký zlatý, že spal 3 hodiny a tak som to zvládla všetko naraz :-)

I made plum marmalade and compote. It`s always good to have one in the house when you have small children... The marmalade is made with gelling (jam) sugar so it`s very easy to make. Just follow the recipe on the packaging. I kept a few in the feezer as well so I can use them for a great plum cake ♥

xoxo, Alexandra


Vyrobila som marmeládu a kompót. Vždy je dobré mať nejaké v zásobe, keď máte malé deti... Marmeládu som vyrobila za pomoci želírovacieho cukru, takže to bolo veľmi rýchle a jednoduché. Stačí postupovať podľa receptu na obale. Niekoľko sliviek som si samozrejme aj zamrazila. Bude z nich výborný slivkový koláč ♥

xoxo, Alexandra


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