Sunday again! The week disappeared in a hood, as usual. How was your week by the way? I had a lot work with my blog... will let you know more soon ♥
In the hope that spring will show up earlier I bought some spring bulb flowers. So much fun for a little money, don`t you think?
Hugs, Alexandra
Opäť tu máme nedeľu! Týždeň ubehol ako voda. Nuž, ako zvyčajne. Aký ste mimochodom mali týždeň vy? Ja som usilovne pracovala na blogu... čoskoro vám dám vedieť viac ♥
V nádeji, že jar príde o niečo skôr, som si kúpila jarné cibuľkové kvety - hyacinty. Veľa zábavy, za málo peňazí, nemyslíte?
Posielam objatia, Alexandra
Wall paint / Steny - Primalex
Ikea table painted with / Stolík Ikea natieraný - Balakryl
Old table and door painted with/Starý stolík a dvere natierané s - Miss Mustard Seed`s Milk Paint
Basket / Košík - Kbas
Candle holders / Svietniky - Tine K Home z
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Alexandra, your spring bulbs add a lovely pop of colour to your beautiful decor.
OdpovedaťOdstrániťThank you for sharing at Create, Bake, Grow & Gather this week. I'm delighted to be featuring you at tonight's party on Shabby Art Boutique and pinning too!
Hugs xxx
Thank you so much Kerryanne ♥♥♥
OdstrániťSo beautiful! Hyacinths are one of my favorite spring blooming bulbs. The scent is heavenly! Thanks for sharing with SYC.